Exotic invasive plants have become a major problem in many California’s wild-lands and in the open space of the Tijuana River Valley three invasive species are a particular problem.
Tijuana River Valley Invasive Plant Control ProgramRead More
Exotic invasive plants have become a major problem in many California’s wild-lands and in the open space of the Tijuana River Valley three invasive species are a particular problem.
Tijuana River Valley Invasive Plant Control ProgramRead More
With funding from NOAA Fisheries, SWIA employs staff and provides program support for the Reserve Stewardship Program.
The Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve (TRNERR) is one of twenty-nine NOAA funded NERRS in the U.S.
Between 1950 – 1972, dumping of treated effluent containing nitrates and phosphates from upstream sewage treatment facilities occurred.
The goal of the project was to restore and enhance 300 acres of coastal wetlands and uplands in San Diego Bay.
This pilot project, implemented by SWIA in conjunction with the State Coastal Conservancy and USFWS, consists of the addition of a thin-layer (8-10 inches) of clean dredged sediments to 10 acres of a low elevation salt marsh within the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge in Orange County, CA.
TETRP is a multi-phased restoration program located within the Tijuana Estuary National Estuarine Research Reserve (TRNERR).
SWIA, partnering with the State Coastal Conservancy, Port of San Diego and U.S.F.W.S Coastal Program, will complete studies, designs and engineering that are needed for environmental review and analysis and permit applications for a native oyster restoration project adjacent to the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
A compilation of restoration projects within the Tijuana Estuary and lessons learned.
“40 Years Of Restoration At Tijuana Estuary, CA” – State Coastal ConservancyRead More
Year 3 of a continuing study by SWIA to understand the effects of the non-native Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer in the Tijuana River valley.
Ecology and Management of the Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer – US NavyRead More