Exotic invasive plants have become a major problem in many California’s wild-lands and in the open space of the Tijuana River Valley three invasive species are a particular problem.
Tijuana River Valley Invasive Plant Control ProgramRead More
// by SWIA Staff
Exotic invasive plants have become a major problem in many California’s wild-lands and in the open space of the Tijuana River Valley three invasive species are a particular problem.
Tijuana River Valley Invasive Plant Control ProgramRead More
// by admin
With funding from NOAA Fisheries, SWIA employs staff and provides program support for the Reserve Stewardship Program.
// by admin
The Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve (TRNERR) is one of twenty-nine NOAA funded NERRS in the U.S.
// by admin
Between 1950 – 1972, dumping of treated effluent containing nitrates and phosphates from upstream sewage treatment facilities occurred.