The Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve (TRNERR) is one of twenty-nine NOAA funded NERRS in the U.S. California Department of Parks & Recreation serves as Reserve Manager and SWIA is the primary nonprofit partner for the TRNERR. SWIA’s role is to support the Research and Coastal Training Programs by employing staff and providing program support.
TRNERR researchers participate in SWMP, a national system-wide monitoring program. Data collection methods are identical across Reserves producing consistent information to meet the needs of local, state, regional and national decision makers.
Data produced by our researchers are shared with other estuaries and coastal communities in the southern California bioregion and beyond to help develop adaptation strategies for both current and future effects of climate change.
Coastal Training Program
The CTP staff lead workshops, and produce print and electronic materials to help local and regional governments, nonprofits, and other estuarine managers to establish their own climate resilience plans. TRNERR CTP collaborates with other NOAA CTP managers to help produce the effective methods for informing decision makers. CTP’s binational liaison carries out programs in Mexico to educate residents and local governments to prevent sediment and trash from washing into the TRNERR destroying valuable wetlands.